Directed by Brandt Andersen The Strangers’ Case is an emotionally charged and daring piece of cinema that weaves together the lives of five different individuals, each...
Directed by Dan Liu Dan Liu’s The Proposal is a high-octane action-comedy short that brings together the sharpness of spy thrills with a dose of dark...
Directed by Nick Acosta Nick Acosta’s Addict is an intensely personal psychological horror that blends addiction drama with supernatural horror to explore the destructive spiral of...
Directed by Anna Zumwalt Yesterday (Please Forgive Me) is a raw, deeply personal documentary by filmmaker Anna Zumwalt, capturing the weight of grief and despair in...
Directed by Jason Conforto The Disappearance of Brandon Mull is an ambitious documentary that poses a fascinating question: Can a New York Times best-selling author complete...
Thief’s Education explores an intriguing premise: a skilled home burglar named Miles begins to question his criminal profession after meeting a girl determined to attend college....