Directed by Kari Angelica Peña Warning – This review may contain spoilers In the short film ” An Unsweet Fix” a young woman with self-destructive tendencies...
Directed by Michel Knowles Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Perchance to Dream grabbed my attention right away with its creative blend of modern technology...
Directed by Brock Eastwood Warning – This review contains spoilers My popcorn was all buttered up and I was set to check out Brock Eastwood’s Retribution...
Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Prix du Pretzel is a quirky, mockumentary-style short film that delivers a delightful twist on traditional cooking shows. Directed...
Warning – This review may contain spoilers. When I watched The Vacuum Salesman, I immediately felt a sense of unease and tension building from the first...
Directed by Julien Mouquet Warning, this review may have spoilers “L’Hypermnésique” is a delicate and emotionally charged short film that explores the power of memories and...