In the bustling world of cinema, where dreams often seem as elusive as a mirage in the desert, one filmmaker’s journey stands out like a beacon...
The short documentary “Free Play,” directed by the talented Alex Astrella is about a mother’s resilience leads to the creation of middle Tennessee’s largest all-inclusive playground,...
“Breakup Season” kicked off with their World Premiere at the Desertscape International Film Festival in St. George Utah. Written and Directed by the H. Nelson Tracey,...
Set in the red rock of St George Utah, I had the pleasure of chatting with Natalie Lynch, the writer and lead actress of “Social AnnXiety.”...
“Love, Grandma,” is a deeply personal short film that captures the essence of Matt Spear’s experience with his grandmother in hospice care. “This short is basically...
If you or someone you know was a missionary that knocked on strangers doors, you know the fear is real. My palms would sweat and my...