Directed by Andrew Seaton Warning – This review may contain spoilers. AstroNots is a short comedy that kicks off with two astronauts preparing for a crucial...
Written by A.J. Moss Warning – This review contain spoilers. Morbid Sight follows Sarah, a young woman with the unsettling ability to see 30 seconds into...
Directed by Brock Eastwood Warning – This review contains spoilers My popcorn was all buttered up and I was set to check out Brock Eastwood’s Retribution...
Ebrahim Ghaeini, the creative mind behind the short film “The Time Machine,” recently shared insights into the making of this 11-minute sci-fi gem. Adapted from H.G....
In a blend of inspiration drawn from personal experiences and a chilling reflection on the repressive nature of nations like North Korea, “Phase III” is a...
“Dark Cell” is set within the confines of an orbital prison, where two seemingly unrelated inmates are confronted by chaos. Panic-stricken guards, armed to the teeth,...
In the midst of the global chaos caused by the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic, filmmaker David Hartstone found solace and inspiration in the confines of a small...
Set In the chilling expanse of the South Pole, a quantum physicist named Miles Oblander, portrayed by Cain Graham, stumbles upon a cryptic warning embedded in...
In the eerie silence of a waking nightmare, Jared finds himself bound and alone, desperately seeking an escape from the depths of his own mind. “Subsurface,”...