Directed by Russell Goldman Burn Out is a bold and surreal short film that dives deep into the absurdity of work culture and the extreme lengths...
Directed by Nicholas Cotrufo The McKinney Family Home Videos is a chilling tribute to the found footage horror genre, blending nostalgia with an unsettling sense of...
Directed by Ryan Margetts Die Shiny’s Sacrament is a visually arresting and deeply emotional exploration of self-discovery in the wake of religious trauma. The music video...
Directed by Jacob Hamblin Warning – This review contains spoilers Till Death Do Us Part is a chilling gothic horror short that combines eerie atmosphere and...
Directed by Nick Acosta Nick Acosta’s Addict is an intensely personal psychological horror that blends addiction drama with supernatural horror to explore the destructive spiral of...
Errol Teichert, the director of the short film “Meat Cute,” sat down with me and shared the story behind his latest creation. “The inception of...
If you or someone you know was a missionary that knocked on strangers doors, you know the fear is real. My palms would sweat and my...
Several years ago I taught at Salt Lake Community College in the film department as an adjunct staff member. My favorite part of the position allowed...
Camp Kona, a short-form animated monster movie, takes us on a nostalgic journey through 80’s summer camp adventures, combining elements of thrill, humor, and mystery. The...