Directed by Matthew P. Camacho WARNING! This review contains spoilers. “Hidden” is a short film that captures the terror of isolation, focusing on the idea that...
Directed by Alan Lucchetti WARNING! This review contains spoilers. “Artifex” tells the story of a modern-day Renaissance man who embarks on a quest to uncover the...
Directed by Laurie Powers Going Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Wildcat tells the story of Clara (Brenda Hattingh Peatross) a determined mother searching for...
Directed by Matt O’Connor Warning – This review may contain spoilers. The Industry takes us on a journey with Isadora, an aspiring actress who is thrust...
Directed by Brandon Young Warning – This review contains spoilers. 8/25/78 presents itself as a chilling piece of found footage, portraying a gruesome and unsettling home...
Directed by Tanner Alex Reyburn and Daria Pustovoytova Warning – this review may contain spoilers haUnTed – Exploring The Paranormal is a documentary that takes viewers...
Directed by Daniel Aaron Torres Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Axxixa centers around David (Onias Snuka) who steals from a sacred altar and faces...
Written by Brandon Young Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Documented follows the disturbing story of a father-son duo, Ted and Cole, who have spent...
Directed by JJ Gibson Teaser Trailer is a delightfully chaotic and fast-paced cosmic horror-comedy that pokes fun at the conventions of modern action movie marketing. Directed...