You never know when inspiration will hit. For Steven Bartholomew, he came up with his latest movie idea for “Still” through a casual conversation with a...
In the midst of the ongoing conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the film “Hedgehog” emerges as a poignant narrative, exploring the unlikely bond between a six-year-old...
Set against the backdrop of Long Beach’s semi-futuristic landscape we meet Aura, an eight-year-old with a passion for space. in Damian Apunte’s film, “The Astronaut.” In...
In a chilling exploration of the human psyche, writer and director Devin K. Hansen takes us on a gripping ride with his latest film, “The Cold...
Fili Tanuvasa, a recent graduate torn between following his father’s footsteps in football or pursuing his hidden passion for acting, is at a crossroads in an...
The elevator doors slide open, revealing a scene that transcends time and space. Two figures, enveloped in a whirlwind of emotions, stand face to face. This...
Veronica Maccari, the Writer, Creator and Producer of “Imposter,” sat down to discuss the origins and challenges of bringing her vision to life. Set against the...
“The Purple Glasses,” a film crafted from the memories of director Susan Sullivan, brings to life the essence of middle school camaraderie and the unexpected twists...
In the upcoming film “Princess for a Day,” director Spanky Ward and lead actress Monica Moore Smith invite audiences into a captivating tale set to be...