Directed by Brandt Andersen The Strangers’ Case is an emotionally charged and daring piece of cinema that weaves together the lives of five different individuals, each...
Directed by Nick Acosta Nick Acosta’s Addict is an intensely personal psychological horror that blends addiction drama with supernatural horror to explore the destructive spiral of...
Thief’s Education explores an intriguing premise: a skilled home burglar named Miles begins to question his criminal profession after meeting a girl determined to attend college....
“Eugenie”, released in 2013, invites viewers into a beautifully crafted 19th-century French world where the boundaries between creation and reality blur in captivating ways. This film...
In a recent interview at the Desertscape International Film Festival, Joseph DeGoyler, the writer and director of “Chicken Coop” reflects on indie filmmaking, emphasizing creativity, and...
“Breakup Season” kicked off with their World Premiere at the Desertscape International Film Festival in St. George Utah. Written and Directed by the H. Nelson Tracey,...
“Love, Grandma,” is a deeply personal short film that captures the essence of Matt Spear’s experience with his grandmother in hospice care. “This short is basically...
March 2020 the screenplay “What I Should Have Said” pickup up the win for Best Feature Screenplay at the Utah Film Festival. Fast forward to 2024...
Every film project carries within it a unique narrative, not just on screen, but in the arduous journey of its creation. “Last Stop,” emerged from the...