Directed by Paniz Shahmoradi Fard Warning – This review may contain spoilers. The Act presents a surreal and thought-provoking narrative in which a clown sits at...
Directed by Shih-Chun Hsiao Warning – This review may contain spoilers. A Better Place tells the story of Henry, a son who returns home to convince...
Directed by Samuel Torres Warning – This review may contain spoilers Mucho Mucho, Siempre Siempre is a heartfelt drama that explores the deep connection between siblings,...
Directed by Kari Angelica Peña Warning – This review may contain spoilers In the short film ” An Unsweet Fix” a young woman with self-destructive tendencies...
Directed by Michel Knowles Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Perchance to Dream grabbed my attention right away with its creative blend of modern technology...
Directed by Brock Eastwood Warning – This review contains spoilers My popcorn was all buttered up and I was set to check out Brock Eastwood’s Retribution...
Warning – This review may contain spoilers. When I watched The Vacuum Salesman, I immediately felt a sense of unease and tension building from the first...
Directed by Julien Mouquet Warning, this review may have spoilers “L’Hypermnésique” is a delicate and emotionally charged short film that explores the power of memories and...
Directed by Sean Connolly This review contains SPOILERS Lobo is an exploration of brotherhood, sacrifice, and the complexities of familial loyalty. The film follows two brothers,...