Directed by Tonya Papanikolas Warning – This review contains spoilers. From the Dust tells the poignant story of Anastasia, a woman who embarks on a journey...
Directed by Caroline Boyd Warning – This review may contain spoilers. A Life of Intent: Growing Desert Roots takes us through the journey of Shelly, a...
Directed by Tanner Alex Reyburn and Daria Pustovoytova Warning – this review may contain spoilers haUnTed – Exploring The Paranormal is a documentary that takes viewers...
Directed by Kip Andersen and Chris O’Connell Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Join the Club follows the life of Dennis Peron, a prominent figure...
Directed by Andrea Bettinetti Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Arte Povera, Notes for History takes viewers on a captivating journey through the Italian art...
Directed by Will Floor Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Just Start tells the story of Maddy, a trail runner who transforms her childhood trauma...
Directed by Anna Zumwalt Yesterday (Please Forgive Me) is a raw, deeply personal documentary by filmmaker Anna Zumwalt, capturing the weight of grief and despair in...
Directed by Jason Conforto The Disappearance of Brandon Mull is an ambitious documentary that poses a fascinating question: Can a New York Times best-selling author complete...
In “Pushing Limitations”, we delve into the compelling story of Alan Salazar, a dance choreographer and immigrant from Mexico City, as he navigates the complexities of...