Directed by James Rooke Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Whippy is set in 1980s Glasgow, where an absurd yet entertaining turf war erupts between...
Warning – This review may contain spoilers. Prix du Pretzel is a quirky, mockumentary-style short film that delivers a delightful twist on traditional cooking shows. Directed...
Directed by JJ Gibson Teaser Trailer is a delightfully chaotic and fast-paced cosmic horror-comedy that pokes fun at the conventions of modern action movie marketing. Directed...
Thief’s Education explores an intriguing premise: a skilled home burglar named Miles begins to question his criminal profession after meeting a girl determined to attend college....
Skim is a short film that taps into a universal experience: those frustrating days when nothing goes right. Directed by high school filmmaker Noah Woolley, Skim...
Get ready to cozy up this holiday season as the highly anticipated Christmas romantic comedy, “Marry Christmas,” is set to premiere on Amazon Prime on December...
Errol Teichert, the director of the short film “Meat Cute,” sat down with me and shared the story behind his latest creation. “The inception of...
Set in the red rock of St George Utah, I had the pleasure of chatting with Natalie Lynch, the writer and lead actress of “Social AnnXiety.”...
Camp Kona, a short-form animated monster movie, takes us on a nostalgic journey through 80’s summer camp adventures, combining elements of thrill, humor, and mystery. The...